McAllen Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

McAllen Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

The Rio Grande Valley’s beauty and mild climate is a natural bonus for those who want to take to the road on their motorcycles. Small back roads and endless landscapes around McAllen add to the appeal for motorcycle riders, but even in this beautiful part of Texas, accidents can and do happen. Conditions for motorcycle riders in and around McAllen are especially difficult, due to its position as an “international crossroads” for trade, and a high volume of commercial vehicles.

No two accidents are alike, and even the most seemingly straightforward case can become complicated quickly. When you’re injured in a motorcycle accident, it can be challenging to focus on more than the day-to-day efforts of recovering and getting your life back to normal as quickly as you can.

The knowledgeable legal team at Stewart J. Guss, Attorney at Law, is fully committed to helping motorcycle accident victims recover the financial damages they are due. We help outline both the economic and non-economic expenses related to an accident. Don’t suffer financial losses when someone else was liable for your injuries. Learn more about how we can help with your case by calling us 1-800-898-4877 or by CLICKING HERE—24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

An injury sustained after a motorcycle accident can range from mild to fatal depending on the force of impact and the way you land. Some of the common motorcycle injuries that we see include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries – A TBI is one of the most potentially severe injuries for motorcycle accident victims to experience. A TBI can range from a mild concussion to permanent brain damage.
  • Broken bones – A broken bone can be an incredibly painful injury and could limit your mobility for months. Occasionally, broken bones lead to more severe and lasting injuries like nerve damage or limited range of motion
  • Soft tissue damage – A sprain, bruise, or strain might not seem like a serious issue right away, but these painful injuries can take a long time to heal and impact your life in ways you wouldn’t imagine. For example, if you need to drive or be on your feet for work, this type of injury could prevent you from doing your job.
  • Back and spinal injuries – A back or spinal injuries are prevalent in motorcycle accidents, especially for those who are rear-ended and thrown from their bike. Ideally, this type of injury heals with time and rest, but in some cases, those who experience a spinal injury must deal with chronic pain and restricted movement for the rest of their lives. In extreme situations, a spinal cord injury can lead to partial or complete paralysis.
  • Nerve damage – We don’t think about all of the nerves in our body on a daily basis, but those who experience nerve damage are constantly reminded by the pain or inability to use certain parts of their body. Nerve damage can happen in the spinal cord, the brain, or any of the peripheral nerves throughout the rest of your body. The danger of nerve damage is that it is often irreversible.

Even when you’ve been in an accident and you don’t believe you’ve sustained serious injuries, it is critical to get checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible. Many of these injuries, especially a concussion, can show delayed symptoms, meaning that you might not realize you sustained an injury until days after the initial impact. For this reason, it’s essential to have a doctor perform a comprehensive examination after you’ve been in a motorcycle accident. They might be able to identify an issue that would have taken you much longer to detect.

Reduce your Chances of an Accident

Although all drivers on the road have a duty of care to drive safely and in a way that prevents the risk of harming others, you only can control your actions. There are specific steps you can take to reduce the chance you’ll become a victim of an accident:

  • Know the roads – Preparation can make a difference. Before you head out, read a map and pre-plan your route. Make sure you are familiar with the directions so you can focus on enjoying your ride. In areas with a higher volume of traffic, plan your time accordingly, so you aren’t rushed and tempted to drive more aggressive than usual.
  • Wear visible clothing – Just because you have a clear view of your surroundings doesn’t mean that others can see you. Motorcycles are often unnoticed by other vehicles on the road, which is a common reason an accident happens—the other driver claims that they didn’t see the motorcycle or that it was in their blind spot. To improve your visibility, you should always wear bright colors while riding your bike.
  • Don’t ride at night – If you can avoid it, stay off the roads at night. Even when wearing reflective gear and your lights are on, you are less visible than other vehicles on the road because your motorcycle is not as large.
  • Pay Attention to the weather – In Texas, the weather changes in an instant. One minute you’re riding down the road, enjoying a beautiful day, the next minute, the sky clouds over and it starts to pour down rain. Wet roads are incredibly dangerous for motorcycle riders. When it’s raining, visibility is limited, especially for those exposed to the elements on a motorcycle. Visibility is limited to other vehicles on the road, and other drivers will have a hard time seeing you, and may not be able to maneuver as quickly in the rain. Beyond visibility is the issue of slick pavement. A severe problem for everyone on the road is slick pavement—it takes more time to stop when traveling at average speeds in the rain. Add reduced visibility and increased stopping time together and you have a dangerous concoction. To avoid bad weather, check the hourly forecast before heading out for the day and plan your route accordingly. If you end up in a rainstorm, take some time off the road and wait until the weather passes to continue your journey.
  • Keep your focus on the road – It’s easy to become distracted by things other than the act of driving, even when you’re on a motorcycle. Adjusting your helmet, looking at your phone, or changing your music are all dangerous yet common behaviors for those who are riding bikes. Yes, these are unsafe behaviors for drivers of all motor vehicles, but on a motorbike, it is always essential to have both hands on the bike and both eyes on the road without distraction.

The Benefits of Working with an Experienced Law Firm

People are hesitant to speak with a law firm after a motorcycle accident. They believe the initial conversation is more expensive than they can afford— it is a common concern that we hear, and with pricey medical bills, lost wages for time off work to recover, and to pay for damages to your vehicle, it’s understandable that finances are a significant concern for accident victims. For this reason, we offer free consultations. Our hope is after you speak with us, you will have a better understanding of how we can help support your case and fight for the maximum compensation for your injuries. Some of the items that an experienced personal injury law firm like ours can help with:

  • Compile a list of economic and non-economic damages – understanding the real value of your claim is essential to receiving the compensation you need to recover and move on with your life. We can help put together a realistic number that reflects your actual needs.
  • Communicate with insurance companies – A claims adjuster from the insurance company will call you shortly after your accident and attempt to obtain a recorded statement about the crash. It’s best to redirect these calls to your legal team, who can speak on your behalf and make sure that no information they provide will damage your case.
  • Complete and timely file all necessary paperwork – A delay in filing could cost you. A legal team that understands the personal injury claims process can take on this responsibility, so you don’t have to worry about it.
  • Hire expert witnesses, if necessary – Sometimes it helps to have a medical expert outline the extent of your injuries and outline your future treatment needs, and create a realistic estimate of the cost of your recovery.
  • Reduce your stress – After an accident, there is a lot to think about like: Did you file your claim on time? What should you do when the insurance companies call? Can you afford to take all this time off work? Your legal team will help alleviate these stressors, and you can focus on your health and recovery.

The Two Year Rule

Every state has a “statute of limitations,” indicating the amount of time that a person can file a personal injury claim against a negligent party. In Texas, the statute of limitations is two years, and you must bring legal action against another party within two years from the date of the accident. You might imagine that two years is all of the time in the world, but a delay could seriously cost you.

The danger of taking your time to hire a law firm and file a claim is that the longer you wait, the more difficult it can be to support your case. Imagine the difference between speaking with a law firm right away versus waiting even a few months. Accident evidence is harder to obtain—road signs might change, the topography of the area could be different, and the insurance companies could attest that your injuries are not severe since you waited so long to announce them. All of these factors can make it much harder to reach a beneficial settlement with a delayed claim.

If you are unable to file a claim within two years of the accident date, the judge will most likely dismiss your case on the spot. There are rare exceptions to this rule, but you don’t want to find yourself scrambling to look for a workaround to this strict system. Make it easy on yourself, call a motorcycle accident law firm as soon as possible and get started on the claims process. The faster you move on this, the quicker you can move forward and on with your life.

Reach out to a Motorcycle Accident Law Firm in McAllen, Texas

A motorcycle accident can traumatize you emotionally and physically. In the days after the crash, when insurance companies won’t leave you alone, and you are feeling the stress of mounting medical bills coupled with lost future wages due to time off work, the whole situation can feel overwhelming. You may feel tempted to write the entire thing off and take the insurance company’s initial settlement offer, even if it seems too low.

Don’t hurt your financial future! Speak with an experienced personal injury law firm that understands the claims process. The motorcycle attorneys and legal professionals at Stewart J. Guss, Attorney at Law, are in the business of helping people and have helped clients, people just like you, in Texas for more than 20 years. We understand all the difficulties a motorcycle accident victim can face.

Above all else, we dedicate ourselves to your needs. Our clients are our first priority, and we are committed to fighting for your just compensation.

We take our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, and you will not owe us a DIME unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to best serve you when you need us. To learn more about our services and how we can help you after an accident, call us today at 1-800-898-4877 or contact us now by CLICKING HERE. We offer a zero risk and zero obligation consultation. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So don’t delay any longer, call us today!

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