Fresno Personal Injury Attorneys Fighting for the rights of Fresno, CA injury victims

Fresno Personal Injury Lawyers

Are you injured? Did someone else’s bad decision cause your injury? If so, then you probably have RIGHTS TO COMPENSATION and YOU DESERVE the PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS who can help you recover them.

Don’t suffer in silence. Talk to a lawyer who GETS RESULTS for injured clients. In California, you’ll find that kind of lawyer at the personal injury law firm of Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers. We’re available to talk, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 800-898-4877. You can contact us now by CLICKING HERE to submit your case for review. There’s no charge and no obligation.

No matter how you got injured or what kind of injury you have, if you’re hurt and it’s someone else’s fault, then you likely have legal rights to money damages. Still, it takes skilled legal advice to recover those damages and to make sure you get every penny you deserve so that the people or companies who hurt you are held accountable. So, call a Fresno personal injury lawyer at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers right away.

The Fresno Personal Injury Team at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers

Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers started out because a single lawyer, Attorney Stewart J. Guss, had a mission to help people who get injured through no fault of their own. Attorney Guss quickly earned a reputation as an aggressive, determined, smart trial lawyer who never backed down from a fight and always had his clients’ backs. Over time, as his cases grew in size and dollar value, he added lawyers, paralegals, and case management specialists to the team, growing his firm to include offices in Louisiana, Texas, and California.

Today, Attorney Guss and his team serve Fresno-area and Central Valley residents and families from all backgrounds who have suffered injuries through no fault of their own. We have recovered MILLIONS of dollars for our clients over the years in injury matters involving everything from car accidents to defective products. The biggest corporations and richest insurance companies don’t scare us one bit. We’ll go toe-to-toe with them in a California courtroom ANYTIME. We do whatever it takes to make sure anyone with legal liability to our clients PAYS for the damages they’ve caused.

We ONLY Do Personal Injury Law

We aren’t a law firm that does a little-bit-of-this and a little-bit-of-that. We don’t help companies do mergers. We don’t represent criminal defendants. WE DO PERSONAL INJURY LAW, AND THAT’S ALL.

Why? Because at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, we believe everyone deserves a GREAT lawyer when they’ve gotten hurt because of someone else’s actions or poor decisions. Too often, it’s the victims who suffer in silence when someone makes a bad decision behind the wheel or on the assembly line. We make sure victims have a voice by pursuing anyone who has legal liability to them for MAXIMUM damages.

Our clients often need help after an accident leaves them hospitalized, disabled, out-of-work, and in pain. We frequently help our clients with:

Car and Truck Accidents

Cars, trucks, and buses get in accidents all the time in the Fresno area. When the people involved in those accidents are lucky, everybody walks away. But not everyone gets that lucky. Some accidents leave victims with SEVERE injuries or even cause TRAGIC DEATHS. At Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, a large part of our legal practice involves representing victims of car accidents that weren’t their fault. They need help negotiating with insurance companies and pursuing every person or company who might have legal liability to them for their injuries.

Injured Motorcyclist

Motorcyclists get too little respect on the road. They have the right to ride on Fresno streets and highways just as much as any other vehicle does. Unfortunately, other motorists don’t always see things that way, and they make STUPID, DANGEROUS decisions behind the wheel that treat motorcyclists like second class citizens. WE HOLD MOTORISTS AND OTHERS TO ACCOUNT when their bad choices hurt motorcyclists. We don’t stop until our injured motorcyclist clients get the respect they deserve and the compensation they need to get back on their bikes and riding again.

Slips, Trips, Falls, And Other Incidents On Someone Else’s Property

“Slip and fall” accidents get a bad rap. People talk about them like they’re no big deal, even a scam. YOU WON’T HEAR THAT FROM US, THOUGH. At Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, we know all about the duties property owners have to keep visitors to their properties safe, and we HOLD THEM TO THOSE DUTIES. “Slip and fall” law isn’t just about slipping and fall, although that’s part of it. It’s about making sure that when you go shopping, or visit an amusement park, or accept your neighbor’s invitation to spend the day at his pool, property owners either take appropriate measures to keep you and your family (especially your children) out of harm’s way, or they pay the price for putting you at risk.

Injured Cyclists and Pedestrians

Roads don’t just belong to motor vehicles. Bicyclists and pedestrians also have rights. MAJOR rights, in fact. Collisions between vehicles and bikes or pedestrians have always happened, but these days the danger is higher than ever because of driver distraction (DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE!) and alcohol and legal/illegal drug use. Stepping into a crosswalk or going out for a bike ride should NEVER mean taking your life into your own hands. When tragedy strikes for cyclists and pedestrians, WE STRIKE BACK and make sure drivers and their insurance companies pay for their carelessness.

Injured Construction Workers

Construction sites are some of the most dangerous workplaces in the United States. California is no exception to the rule. Construction workers put their lives on the line every day to build buildings and infrastructure. They deserve our respect but instead, when they get hurt, they often get walked all over by their employers. WE DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN. Workers injured on construction job site have rights to workers’ compensation insurance, and we can help with that. But that’s not all we can do. Sometimes, workers’ compensation is just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG when it comes to who owes our clients money for construction site injuries. We aren’t afraid to chase down defective construction equipment manufacturers, engineers and architects, and other parties whose bad decisions left our clients and their families struggling.

The Injuries Our Clients Often Have.

Our clients at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, generally have just one thing in common: they’re all injured because of someone else’s actions or bad decisions. We represent people from every kind of background and walk of life: young, old, men, women, citizens, and non-citizens. (Se habla Español, claro.)

Clients come to us after suffering a wide variety of injuries. We take all of those injuries VERY seriously because we know you do, too. That’s why you come to us. Here are just a few of the types of injuries we’ve helped our clients face:

Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis

Clients with spinal cord injuries and their families come to us during a time of their lives that feels very dark and difficult. We make it our mission to try and help life feel a little brighter. We know, of course, that when a spinal cord injury causes paralysis and changes a person’s life, money usually can’t fix the things that really matter. But, we also know spinal cord injuries cost A LOT of money to treat, from medical care to therapy to modifications to living spaces. Our mission is to help pay for the care, treatment, equipment, and modifications our clients need to adapt to their lives after a spinal cord injury. And, please believe us when we say: it does get better. Let us help support you until you feel that, too.

Traumatic Brain Injuries and Brain Damage

The brain is an INCREDIBLY COMPLEX organ. Researchers are only just starting to understand its inner-workings. For people who have suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other brain damage, medical advances can’t come soon enough. Life after a TBI can pose all kinds of physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Victims can have trouble understanding, moving, and communicating, and may experience chronic pain and dizziness, among other symptoms. Fortunately, one thing that researchers do believe is that the brain has incredible powers to adapt to injury. Let us help you find the resources and support you need to get the best care possible so that you can live with, and recover from, a TBI.

Crushed/Amputated Arms and Legs

At Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, we have seen enough clients with crushed or amputated limbs to understand just how challenging life can seem. Similar to clients with spinal cord injuries, those with catastrophic limb damage often come to us feeling like life is dark, cruel, and without hope. By helping our clients recover every penny they need to pay for therapy and, if necessary, prosthetics, we aim to help lift them up and put their lives back on track.

Orthopedic and Soft Tissue Injuries

As we said above, WE TAKE ALL INJURIES SERIOUSLY. That is why we encourage ANYONE who has gotten hurt because of someone else’s careless or reckless actions to come talk to us at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers. Just because an injury isn’t life-threatening (or even life-changing) doesn’t mean it should be treated as something you should just “deal with.” Chronic pain from a neck, back, or joint injury, for example, can be debilitating, affecting your job performance, leisure time, and your health. Don’t hesitate to contact us about a “nagging” or “chronic” injury that you sustained because of someone else’s actions. You have legal rights to protect, too.

After an Injury, What Now?

If we had one message we could give to all of our future clients, it would be this: HANG IN THERE, HELP IS AVAILABLE.

No one really expects to suffer a personal injury. It just HAPPENS, and then life is different in all the wrong ways. Suffering an injury throws people off physically, emotionally, financially, even spiritually. Oftentimes, they’re not sure where they can turn for answers. Sometimes, the stress gets to them and they make bad decisions that only make circumstances worse.

That’s why we want to send a message of support and encouragement to anyone in the Fresno area suffering from an unexpected injury. To that, we also offer these general pieces of advice for anyone whose life has suddenly been turned upside down by injury or loss.

  • First, take care of yourself by getting the medical care you need and following your doctor’s orders. You owe it to yourself and others to get as healthy as you can. Also, if you ever need to take legal action for damages, you will need to show you did everything you could to take care of yourself after an injury. So, take it from us, no matter how much of a hassle it is to see a doctor or get physical or other therapy, DO IT!
  • Second, DON’T TRUST INSURANCE COMPANIES to treat you fairly. Insurance companies don’t make money by paying LOTS of money to people. They make money by trying to limit how much money they pay. That means that when insurance investigators call you, they’re hoping you’ll say something about their injury that gets them off-the-hook for writing you a check. And, when insurance companies offer you money out-of-the-blue, it means they probably owe you a LOT more money than their offering. Never, ever take any “settlement” payment or benefit from an insurance company for your personal injury without talking to a lawyer first.
  • Third, call a lawyer as soon as you can. We know, talking to a lawyer is never anybody’s top priority (until it is), but the sooner you get an experienced personal injury lawyer involved helping you, the better your chances of MAXIMUM compensation for your injuries.

Call Our Fresno, California, Injury Accident Lawyers Now

The legal team of Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, is nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. We never back down when it comes to sticking up for their injured clients. Let us help you recover the compensation you deserve after an injury disrupts your life. If you were injured in an accident, call our office right now to schedule a consultation! Your first consultation and case review with us always free and confidential, and comes with no obligation to hire us. Because we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a DIME unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 800-898-4877 or contact us now by CLICKING HERE.

See what past clients have to say:

Review: 5/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“We received QUALITY service, reliable guidance and we are VERY satisfied with the outcome. Our treatment was both fair & honest; we highly recommend. If one word sums it up, the word would be Exceptional. “Thank you” for all you did!”

-Jeri B.

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